Monday, 13 July 2015

Reflection on Thing 2

Thing 2 was all about writing your first post, based on something we are all interested in. How or why you became a librarian.

I found the approach to writing this post interesting. First of all we were asked to think of 7 questions we would like to ask our favourite author, actor or celebrity about how he or she ended up in their chosen career. Then we had to pose the same questions to ourselves. All in all there were 5 small tasks involved with this bigger task, and each was to take no more than 15 minutes.

Rudai 23: writing your first blog post 

I can see why the 15 minutes limit was set as you could easily go off at a tangent and still be there hours later. I'm sure it was also to restrict what was posted - answers to the questions as opposed to a life story. I liked the idea of the questions element to help focus what you were going to post about but the time element didn't sit well with me. I felt under pressure because of the time allocated to each task. I find it hard to think on the spot. I like to think about things and reflect on them before saying anything. Usually at meetings, I'll be the one that voices little opinion at the meeting only to have a thunderbolt moment 1 hour after the meeting has finished. I know that everyone learns and thinks about things in different ways and this is the way I think.  So having that time element added extra pressure on me to come up with the goods. I know that no-one was watching me and I could have spent all day on the task but I did try and stick to the task in hand. 

I also found it a bit difficult to pick out the 5 tasks from the blog post. A summary at the end would have been helpful and I see that this has been added to the Thing 3 post. The next task is about professional branding; something I touched on in my previous post about Thing 1 and the need for me to update my Google+ profile.

I've also partially completed another task I set myself in my previous post about customising the look of my blog. I think I'm nearly there. Perhaps a few additional tweaks and once I get the chance to look at other people's blogs, I might come up with a few other ideas. It's probably time as well to start introducing pictures and videos etc in order to move away from a lot of text. So nearly there...

Best wishes, 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alex,

    Thanks for much for your post for Thing 2! Particularly for letting us know what you found useful and what you found less useful. It can be hard getting ideas out under pressure, for sure, and many of us certainly know what it's like to get that thunderbolt at not quite the most opportune time!

    Very much like the blog design so far, especially that cool, refreshing blue!

    Looking forward to your further posts as we carry on with the course!

    The Rudai 23 team
