Sunday, 12 July 2015

Reflection on Thing 1

Hello again, 

I thought that it was maybe time for a bit of reflection on the Thing 1 task and to keep up with the regular blogging.

Thing 1 was all about creating your blog.  The actual creation of the blog didn't take too much time once I had decided to go for it.  The hardest part in fact was choosing between WordPress and Blogger.  That's what I like. A straightforward task for Thing 1.

Or was it?

Now I have the blog set up and have posted a couple of items, I now find myself thinking about the blog. I want it to look better, flow better and have a few followers at least. So I have been back to look at the Rudai 23 Thing 1 post. I remembered that there were some helpful videos about how to customise your blog. I have only watched two of them so far:
 But both had some useful tips about how to stay on top of my favourite blogs, and more importantly how to make my blog more appealing.  As you can see, I haven't put that into practice yet but I'm hoping for a bit more time tomorrow to play about with the template, look and layout. I've also jotted down some ideas for future posts; things that I know I'll be doing and I'll want to write about.

I've also been thinking about the blogs that I want to follow. I spend a fair amount of my day in front of a PC and while I'm not keen to do the same when I get home, there are some interesting blogs out there that I want to subscribe to both from a personal and a professional point of view. 

 I also need to create a better profile on Google+. At the very least get a photograph or avatar so I don't continue to look like a blue person in a circle but I don't use Google+ for alot of activities. I could be missing out. Something else to be explored.

So on reflection, I don't think it was a simple Thing 1. It has prompted a lot of thinking on my part - what blogging platform, how to blog, what to blog, how it looks, content, my profile and blogs that appeal to me. Maybe that was the whole point of Thing 1 or perhaps I'm overthinking the process. Whichever it is, I'm grateful. If I continue like this about all the Things, then I have a whole lot of reflection ahead of me.

Best wishes,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alex. It looks like you've made a great start! I'm glad that you found Thing 1 both straightforward and at the same time thought provoking. You are right in that while choosing a platform is reasonably simple, it opens up a whole lot of other choices down the line about what exactly your blog will look like and how you will interact with it. Looking forward to reading more of your thoughts.

    The Rudai23 Team
