Monday, 19 October 2015

Reflection on Thing 19


Just a quick post about Thing 19 when it's fresh in my head.

The legal side of things (no pun intended) was a brilliant post by the Rudai 23 team (thanks especially to Caroline). It was pitched at the right level for me, and now Creative Commons licences have been explained to me in a way I understand. I think before I was put off at the amount of information surrounding the licences but this was broken down into bite-sized chunks - just enough to take in. I think I'll be referring to that list of licences again and again.

It was evident that a lot of work had gone into making this cardboard like subject a bit more tasty. The history of copyright was interesting and even if the Irish hadn't thought of copyright, someone else would have so I don't think we can hold the nation as a whole as responsible. It is always evident that the Rudai 23 team have thought about their posts, backed it up with references and lots of helpful stuff like Pinterest boards but this post had links to the legislation.  That's dedication!

I also ended up coming away with a couple of new resources -, and Unsplash and Pixabay will definitely be passed along to the social media team in work as I think we could make real use of these two resources.

All in all, I'm more positive about using images and attributing works. Thanks Rudai 23.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the positive feedback Alex. Delighted to hear that you found the post useful. We love hearing we are giving you what you need. #Rudai23
