Sunday, 13 September 2015

Advocacy for Libraries - Thing 15

Rudai 23 started this by asking a straightforward question:

What comes to mind when you hear the words advocacy for libraries?

I think public libraries. There has been much in the press and social media outlets about the use of volunteers in the running of public libraries and off the top of my head, this is what I think of when advocacy for libraries is mentioned.

Rudai 23 has shown me that advocacy is about this and much much more. I always thought that advocacy was about demonstrations and petitions, never that twitter, collaboration and networking were forms of advocacy. It's about being visible and vocal.

I think it's wrong of me to say that I don't have time to be involved in an advocacy campaign; it is true I don't have time, but it's much more down to the image of advocacy that I have in my head. I don't have to be involved in demonstrations, but I can use how I act, what I do and say everyday to act as an advocate for librarians and libraries.

I had a look at the campaigns and resources that Rudai 23 provided. Despite being a member of CILIP I didn't realise that there were advocacy resources available on the website and while some of the information is dated, it's a worthwhile resource to tap into. I also had a look at the Libraries Change Lives youtube clip, and it made me feel warm and fuzzy - I felt good to be part of libraries.

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